
SG600-35-PR Blue Coat 080-03442 Network Traffic Management device Proxy Edition

€ 480.47

Availability: 100 in stock
  • Marke: Blue Coat
  • Herstellernummer: SG600-35-PR
  • Nach Erhalt des Artikels sollte Ihr Käufer innerhalb der folgenden Frist den Kauf widerrufen oder den Rückgabeprozess einleiten: 14 Tage
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  • Condition: Gebraucht
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    Blue Coat SG600-35-PR Proxy Edition
    Network Traffic Management device
    Prod. Number: 080-03442
    /DE/ Auf Anfrage ist die Gewährung eines 7-tägigen Zahlungszieles für gewerbliche EU-Käufer möglich
    (Kreditwürdigkeit vorausgesetzt).
    /EN/ After a creditworthiness check EU-commercial purchaser can pay for this item within 7 days from date of invoice.
    MwST FREI!
    Das Angebot richtet sich an Personen ausserhalb Österreichs und an gewerbliche Käufer in der EU, ist daher MwSt. FREI!
    Privatpersonen, sofern die zufällig darauf geboten haben, bekommen eine Rechnung nach § 24 UStG 1994 (Differenzbesteuerung) - MwST Frei!
    Bitte uns sofort nach Auktionsende / Kauf Ihre UID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer) mailen, damit wir Ihnen eine Netto-Rechnung erstellen. Falls Sie als Unternehmer noch keine UID haben, beantragen Sie bitte diese beim Finanzamt oder kontaktieren Sie uns.
    Blue Coat ProxySG 600 Series:
    Get the World's Leading Proxy Appliance!
    Blue Coat ProxySG Full Proxy Edition appliances are the foundation of an Application Delivery Network (ADN) that provides complete application visibility, acceleration and security. To support the ADN, ProxySG delivers a scalable proxy platform architecture to secure Web communications and accelerate the delivery of business applications. ProxySG enables flexible policy controls over content, users, applications and protocols and is the choice of more than 80% of the Fortune® Global 500.
    Get world-class threat protection backed by Blue Coat's real-time WebPulse technology and more than 75 million users. ProxySG provides complete control over all your web traffic with robust features that include user authentication, web filtering, data loss prevention, inspection and validation of SSL-encrypted traffic, content caching, bandwidth management, stream-splitting and more.
    Real-time Web Security
    Proactively protect users from web-based threats.
    ProxySG appliances deployed with Blue Coat WebFilter deliver the most comprehensive protection against web-based threats, including malware, phishing and botnet traffic from infected end user systems. ProxySG appliances are backed by the Blue Coat WebPulse collaborative defense to deliver fast and effective Web 2.0 threat protection for 75 million users worldwide. WebPulse supports more than 50 languages and utilizes a combination of traffic, content and reputation analysis of real-time requests to build a comprehensive view of the web-based malware ecosystem. With custom script analyzers, anti-malware and anti-virus scanning, and sandboxing and browser simulations as well as other proprietary security defenses, WebPulse identifies and blocks 3.3 million threats per day.
    Advanced Web Application and Operation Controls
    Manage threat and data loss risks from web-based applications
    The Blue Coat Web Application Policy Engine provides granular control over specific web applications and operations. With the Web Application Policy Engine, IT administrators can set and enforce policies by operation, application or category, enabling IT administrators to manage the data loss and employee productivity risks associated with social media and other web-based applications. As new applications and operations are added, the Web Application Policy Engine is automatically updated. To ensure consistent enforcement, appropriate policies are automatically applied to new applications.
    Unmatched Performance and Scalability
    Enterprise-grade secure web gateway.
    ProxySG appliances feature a robust architecture that utilizes patent-protected caching technologies to assure performance as new security features are deployed. With multi-core hardware platforms and the SGOS operating system, ProxySG appliances can provide massive throughput without compromising security. The SGOS operating system is a microkernel built for Web object processing, so it rarely requires patches and maintains superior performance levels for years.
    For inline malware protection at the gateway, ProxySG appliances deployed with ProxyAV appliances deliver the highest performing threat analysis of both encrypted and unencrypted traffic.
    In deployments with multiple ProxySG appliances, Blue Coat Director provides centralized device, license and policy management. Blue Coat Reporter delivers centralized visibility into all user and web traffic across the organization and can scale to support up to 10 billion log lines or approximately 150,000 users for up to 60 days.
    PX04#show version
    Version: SGOS Proxy Edition
    Release id: 140775
    UI Version: Build: 187110
    Serial number: SN1612152006
    NIC 0 MAC: 00D083072189
    PX04#show licenses
    Trial components:              enabled
    Trial period expiration date:  2013-11-19
    Creation date:                 2017-09-15
    Appliance serial number:       AN1612152006
    Concurrent users (with ADN enabled):    unlimited
    Concurrent users (without ADN enabled): unlimited
    Licensable component information:
    Component name:         SGOS 6 Proxy Edition
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Windows Media Streaming
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Option:                 Premium
    Component name:         Real Media Streaming
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Option:                 Premium
    Component name:         QuickTime Streaming
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Option:                 Standard
    Component name:         SSL
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            PN090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Bandwidth Management
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          SN1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         ProxyClient - Acceleration
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         ProxyClient - Web Filtering
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         3rd Party Onbox Content Filtering
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Websense Offbox Content Filtering
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         ICAP Services
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         AOL Instant Messaging
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         MSN Instant Messaging
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Yahoo Instant Messaging
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Netegrity SiteMinder
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Oracle COREid
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Peer-To-Peer
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Component name:         Compression
    Valid:                  yes
    Serial number:          1612152006
    Product Description:    Blue Coat SG600-35, Proxy Edition
    Part Number:            090-02916
    Activation date:        2013-09-18
    Expiration date:        None
    Kommt mit:
    1x Stromkabel
    1x Console Kabel
    € 4 Österreich, € 6 Deutschland, € 15 Europa, $ 25 North America. Mehrere gleichzeitig gekaufte Artikel werden gemeinsam verschickt.
    /EN/ € 15 Europa, North America. Articles purchased at the same time will be sent together.
    Ich biete 30 Tage Sofort-Tausch-Garantie.
    MwST FREI!
    Das Angebot richtet sich an Personen ausserhalb Österreichs und an gewerbliche Käufer in der EU, ist daher MwSt. FREI!
    Privatpersonen, sofern die zufällig darauf geboten haben, bekommen eine Rechnung nach § 24 UStG 1994 (Differenzbesteuerung) - MwST Frei!
    Bitte uns sofort nach Auktionsende / Kauf Ihre UID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer) mailen, damit wir Ihnen eine Netto-Rechnung erstellen. Falls Sie als Unternehmer noch keine UID haben, beantragen Sie bitte diese beim Finanzamt oder kontaktieren Sie uns.
    /EN/ We offer a 30-day no-DOA guarantee for all items described as new or working.
    Das Kleingeschriebene ;-)) /The Small Print...
    Käufer zahlt im voraus Bar oder mit Überweisung. Das Gerät wurde überprüft und ist technisch o.k. 30 Tage Sofort-Tausch-Garantie. Der Käufer ist verantwortlich für die Überprüfung der Artikel während des Garantiezeitraums. Artikel, die der veröffentlichten Beschreibung nicht entsprechen, werden sofort auf unsere Kosten ersetzt (event. das Geld refundiert). Fragen bitte per E-Mail. Danke und viel Spaß beim Bieten!
    /EN/ Buyer prepays via wire transfer. Paying via Pay Pal is also possible, but no Credit Card Payments are accepted! We offer a 30-day no-DOA guarantee for all items described as new or working. The buyer is responsible for checking the condition of the unit(s) within the warranty period. We will replace/repay any item(s) which do not meet the eBay description. E-mail any questions.