
PWM Pulse Frequency 1/2/3Way Signal Generator Duty Cycle Ratio Adjustable Module

€ 1.9

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    PWM Pulse Frequency 1/2/3Way Signal Generator Duty Cycle Ratio Adjustable Module
    1 Way Signal Generator (
    Red Blue Wave)
    100% Brand New
    Adjustable frequency 1-160KHz
    Duty cycle 0-100% adjustable
    Operating voltage: 4V~30V
    Frequency range: 1Hz~160KHz
    Frequency accuracy: 2%
    Signal load capacity: output current 5~30mA
    Output amplitude: The amplitude is equal to the working voltage.
    PWM output, can set the frequency, duty cycle
    The frequency is divided into four ranges, automatically switching:
    1.XXX (no decimal point): 1Hz~999Hz, unit 1Hz
    2.X.XX (decimal point in hundreds): Value is 1.00KHz to 9.99KHz in 0.01KHz
    3.XX.X (decimal point in ten digits): The value is 10.0KHz~99.9KHz, the unit is 0.1KHz
    4.X.X.X. (full decimal point): Value 100KHz~160KHz, unit 1KHz
    100 represents 100Hz
    1.00 means 1.00KHz
    10.0 means 10KHz
    1.0.0. Represents 100Khz
    Setting process:
    1. Press the SET button. The frequency parameter flashes. Set the frequency with the UP or DOWN button.
    2. Press the SET button. The duty cycle parameter flashes. Set the duty cycle by pressing the UP or DOWN keys.
    3. Press the SET button to exit the setting
    4. Long press the UP and DOWN keys to quickly increase or decrease
    5. The data is automatically memorized and all setting parameters are saved when power is off.
    Package Included:
    1 x Digital PWM Pulse Frequency 1-160KHz Duty Cycle Square Wave Signal Generator
    2 Way Signal Generator
    Two independent PWM generators can set the frequency, duty cycle;
    The wide frequency range, high accuracy;
    Can serial communication.
    First, the module description:
    Frequency is divided into three ranges:
    XXX (no decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Hz, the range 1Hz ~ 999Hz;
    XX.X (decimal point in ten): The minimum unit is 0.1Khz; the range of 0.1KHz ~ 99.9KHz
    X.X.X. (there are three decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Khz; the range 1KHz ~ 150KHz
    Frequency display example:
    "100" indicates that the PWM output pulse of 100Hz;
    "54.1" indicates that the PWM output pulse of 54.1KHz;
    "1.2.4." Indicates that the PWM pulse output 124KHz
    Duty Cycle in the range: 0 to 100;
    Three frequencies duty cycle is the same, all the parameters non-volatile.
    Second, the module parameters:
    Working voltage: 5--30V, support micro USB 5.0V power supply;
    Frequency range: 1Hz ~ 150KHz;
    The frequency accuracy: ± 2%;
    Output Current: <30mA;
    Output amplitude: Default 5Vp-p (settable);
    Operating temperature range: -30 ~ + 70 ℃.
    Third, the parameter settings:
    Module has three buttons [Set], [Up], [Down];
    Press [Set] key to switch the display four parameters (FR1: PWM1 frequency; dU1: PWM1 duty cycle; FR2: frequency of PWM2; dU2: PWM2 duty cycle), before the handover parameters, there will be corresponding parameter name flash.
    Press [Up], [Down] keys to modify the current parameter value (long press can quickly add or subtract fast).
    Two PWM each have three preset frequency, the frequency display interface, long press [SET] key to switch between three types of frequencies, three kinds of frequency duty cycle is the same value. (XXX: range 1Hz ~ 999Hz; XX.X: range 0.1Khz ~ 99.9Khz; X.X.X .: range 1Khz ~ 150Khz,).
    Fourth, the scope:
    As square wave signal generator which generates a square wave signal;
    to provide a signal to the stepping motor driver;
    Adjustable pulse generation for chip use;
    produce variable pulse signal, the control-related circuit (PWM dimming, speed).
    Fifth, the serial control
    Baud rate: 9600 bps
    Data bits: 8
    Stop bits: 1
    Parity bit: none
    Flow control: none
    1, set the PWM frequency
    "S1FXXXT": setting PWM1 frequency of XXX HZ (001 ~ 999)
    "S1FXX.XT": set the frequency of PWM1 XX.X KHZ (00.1 ~ 99.9)
    "S1F: X.X.X.T": setting PWM1 frequency of XXX KHZ (0.0.1 ~ 1.5.0..)
    'S1': PWM1
    'S2': PWM2
    'F': Frequency
    'D': Duty Cycle
    'T' is the end flag
    Set the PWM duty cycle
    "S1DXXXT": setting PWM1 duty cycle XXX; (001 ~ 100)
    "S2DXXXT": set PWM2 duty cycle XXX; (001 ~ 100)
    Setting successful return: DOWN;
    Setting failback: FALL.
    NO Retail Box. Packed Safely in Bubble Bag.
    Package Included:
    1 x 2 way Independent PWM Generator
    3 Way Signal Generator
    User Guide Of Three Channel PWM
    Module Features:
    Output of three-channel PWMat the same time, Adjustable frequency, 3-channel frequency output consistent, duty ratio can be independently adjusted, suitable for most occasions
    Lcd can display frequency and duty datio,Easy to oprate;
    Wide frequency range, high precision;
    Support Serial operation
    First, Module description
    Three-channel PWM is outputted, wide frequency range and the duty ratio can be adjusted independently;
    Frequency is divided into four areas, automatic switching:
    XXX (No decimal point): 1HZ Stepping Unit, Range: 1Hz~999Hz;
    X (The decimal is in the hundreds place): 0.01KHZ Stepping Unit, Range: 1.00Khz~9.99Khz;
    XX(The decimal is in the tensplace): 0.1KHZ Stepping Unit, Range: 10.0Khz~99.9Khz;
    X.X(The decimal is in the onesplace): 1KHZ Stepping Unit, Range: 1Khz~150Khz;
    E.g. , frequency display: 100 represent the pulse of 100Hz ;
    1.01 represent the pulse of 1.01KHz;
    54.1 represent the pulse of 54.1KHz
    1.2.4 represent the pulse of 124Hz
    The value rangeof dutyfactor: 0~100%, 100% is represented by A0%.
    All parameters setted up can be automatically saved in case of power cut.
    Second, Parameter settings
    Module has 8 independent keys, used to set the frequency and duty ratio, support short press (increase or decrease a unit) and long press (fast increase or decrease), very simple, set the parameters automatically save, power loss.
    3-Way duty ratio button can be pressed at the same time, real-time adjustment, liquid crystal display is the last pressed button duty ratio, real-time is very strong, can be used as a simple several road duty ratio scan.
    Third, Module Parameters:
    1.Operating voltage: 3.3~30V;
    Frequency range: 1Hz~150KHz;
    Frequency accuracy: In each range of accuracy is about 2%
    Signal load capacity: Output current can be around 5~30ma
    Output amplitude: PWM amplitude and supply voltage equal
    Ambient temperature: -20~+70°C.
    Fourth, Scope of application:
    Used as square wave signal generator to generate square wave signal for experiment development and use
    Used to generate a square wave signal to control the motor driver;
    Generating adjustable pulses for MCU use;
    Generate adjustable pulse, control related circuit (PWM dimming speed and other applications).
    Five, UART Serial command
    Baud rate: 9600 bps Data length: 8
    Stop bits :1
    Check digit:none
    Flow control: none
    Set the frequency of the PWM
    “F101”: Set frequency of 101 HZ (001~999)
    “F1.05”: Set frequency of 1.05 KHZ (1.00~9.99)
    "F10.5": Set frequency of 10.5KHZ (10.0~99.9)
    “F1.0.5”: Set frequency of 105KHZ (1.0.0~1.5.0)
    Set the duty ratio of PWM
    "DX:YYY": Set PWM duty ratio x: (1~3) PWM serial number, YYY: (000~100) duty ratio;
    For example d1:050, set 1th PWM duty ratio to 50%
    Read Setup parameters
    Send a "read" string to read the parameters of the setting.
    Message format: F156, D1: 052, D2: 059, D3: 058,
    Set successful return: DOWN
    Set failed to return: FALL
    Package Included:
    1 x Signal Generator PWM Pulse Frequency Duty Cycle Adjustable Module LCD Display
    No Case
    LCD display frequency and duty cycle, very clear, PWM output can be set to the frequency and duty cycle;
    Wide frequency range, high precision;
    Serial communication, TTL level
    First, the module description
    PWM output, you can set the frequency, duty cycle;
    Frequency is divided into four ranges, automatic switching:
    XXX (no decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Hz, the value range of 1Hz ~ 999Hz;
    X.XX (decimal point in the hundred) the smallest unit is 0.01Khz, the range of 1.00Khz ~ 9.99Khz;
    XX.X (decimal point in ten): the smallest unit is 0.1Khz; value range of 10.0KHz ~ 99.9KHz
    X.X.X (decimal point in ten and hundred): the smallest unit is 1Khz; value range 1KHz ~ 150KHz
    frequency display: 100 indicates PWM output 100Hz pulse;
    1.01 indicates PWM output 1.01K pulse;
    54.1 indicates that the PWM output has a pulse of 54.1 kHz;
    1.2.4 indicates that the PWM output is 124 kHz pulse;
    Duty cycle range: 0 ~ 100%;
    All set parameters, power-down automatically saved.
    Second, the parameter settings:
    The module has four independent keys, used to set the frequency and duty cycle, support touch (increase or decrease a unit) and long press (fast increase or decrease), set the parameters automatically save, power down Not lost.
    Third, the module parameters:
    Working voltage: 3.3 ~ 30V;
    Frequency range: 1Hz ~ 150KHz;
    Frequency accuracy: the accuracy in each range is about 2%;
    Signal load capacity: the output current can be about 5 ~ 30ma;
    Output amplitude: PWM amplitude equal to the supply voltage;
    Ambient temperature: -20 ~ +70°C
    Fourth, the scope of application:
    Used as a square wave signal generator, generate square wave signal for experimental development and use;
    Used to generate a square wave signal that controls the motor driver;
    generate adjustable pulse for MCU use;
    generate adjustable pulse, control the relevant circuit (PWM dimming speed and other applications).
    5, serial control (single-chip TTL level communication)
    Communication standard:
    9600 bps Data bits: 8
    Stop bit: 1
    Check digit: none
    Flow control: none
    1, set the frequency of the PWM
    "F101": Set the frequency to 101 HZ (001 to 999)
    "F1.05": set the frequency of 1.05 KHZ (1.00 ~ 9.99)
    "F10.5": Set the frequency to 10.5KHZ (10.0 ~ 99.9)
    "F1.0.5": set the frequency of 105KHZ (1.0.0 ~ 1.5.0)
    2, set the PWM duty cycle
    "DXXX": set the PWM duty cycle to XXX; (001 ~ 100)
    Such as D050, set the PWM duty cycle is 50%
    3, read the set parameters
    Send a "read" string to read the set parameters.
    Set successfully return: DOWN;
    Setup failed to return: FALL.
    Package Included:
    1 x PWM Generator
    With Case
    Module Highlights:
    1.LCD display frequency and duty cycle, very clear, PWM output can be set to the frequency and duty cycle;
    2. Wide frequency range, high precision;
    3. Serial communication, TTL level
    First, the module description:
    PWM output, you can set the frequency, duty cycle;
    Frequency is divided into four ranges, automatic switching:
    1. XXX (no decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Hz, the value range of 1Hz ~ 999Hz;
    2. X.XX (decimal point in the hundred) the smallest unit is 0.01Khz, the range of 1.00Khz ~ 9.99Khz;
    3. XX.X (decimal point in ten): the smallest unit is 0.1Khz; value range of 10.0KHz ~ 99.9KHz
    4. X.X.X (decimal point in ten and hundred): the smallest unit is 1Khz; value range 1KHz ~ 150KHz
    frequency display: 100 indicates PWM output 100Hz pulse;
    1.01 indicates PWM output 1.01K pulse;
    54.1 indicates that the PWM output has a pulse of 54.1 kHz;
    1.2.4 indicates that the PWM output is 124 kHz pulse;
    Duty cycle range: 0 ~ 100%;
    All set parameters, power-down automatically saved.
    Second, the parameter settings:
    The module has four independent keys, used to set the frequency and duty cycle, support touch (increase or decrease a unit) and long press (fast increase or decrease), set the parameters automatically save, power down Not lost.
    Third, the module parameters:
    1. Working voltage: 3.3 ~ 30V;
    2. Frequency range: 1Hz ~ 150KHz;
    3. Frequency accuracy: the accuracy in each range is about 2%;
    4. Signal load capacity: the output current can be about 5 ~ 30ma;
    5. Output amplitude: PWM amplitude equal to the supply voltage;
    6. Ambient temperature: -20 ~ +70°C
    Fourth, the scope of application:
    1. Used as a square wave signal generator, generate square wave signal for experimental development and use;
    2. Used to generate a square wave signal that controls the motor driver;
    3. generate adjustable pulse for MCU use;
    4. generate adjustable pulse, control the relevant circuit (PWM dimming speed and other applications).
    5. serial control (single-chip TTL level communication)
    Communication standard:
    9600 bps Data bits: 8
    Stop bit: 1
    Check digit: none
    Flow control: none
    1, set the frequency of the PWM
    "F101": Set the frequency to 101 HZ (001 to 999)
    "F1.05": set the frequency of 1.05 KHZ (1.00 ~ 9.99)
    "F10.5": Set the frequency to 10.5KHZ (10.0 ~ 99.9)
    "F1.0.5": set the frequency of 105KHZ (1.0.0 ~ 1.5.0)
    2, set the PWM duty cycle
    "DXXX": set the PWM duty cycle to XXX; (001 ~ 100)
    Such as D050, set the PWM duty cycle is 50%
    3, read the set parameters
    Send a "read" string to read the set parameters.
    Set successfully return: DOWN;
    Setup failed to return: FALL.
    Package Included:
    1 x
    PWM Pulse Frequency Duty Cycle Adjustable Module
    Payment Method
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    Payment Method
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    2. If product is defective or damage upon arrival, or wrong product shipped, please contact us immediately. Returns accepted within 14 days of delivery date and item must be in original new condition, not worn or altered in any way with attached tags & wrap. Otherwise deal is final. Return shipping must be paid by buyer.
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