
neue Stimulator Elektronische CE LCD Massage Akupunktur Meridian Pen automatisch

€ 31.67

Availability: 46 in stock
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  • Condition: Neu
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  • Herstellungsland und -region: China
  • Herstellernummer: Wp1000126
  • Marke: Leawell
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    Product Description:
    Please read manual before
    using the product.
    Health Auto Get Point Acupuncture Device Electric Acupuncture Pen Acupuncture Device Therapy Massage
    we have two  Languages
    of the product ,
    one is English instruction , another is Spanish
    instruction ,
    please choose it when you order it .
    Power Supply DC 3.7V
    Micro-current Output 0 to 2 microamps
    Sensitivity Adjust Control 0 to 10
    Frequency Control 2-23Hz(Adjustable)
    Large LCD Digital Display Frequency / Sensitivity Indicator
    Indicator Lamp Pulse Rate Indicator
    Pulse Width 220 microseconds
    Pulse Modes Continuous
    Pulse Shape Asymmetric biphasic square wave
    Point Detection Meter, Sound and Light Indicators
    Output Channels One
    Output Intensity 0 to 10 mA
    Output Intensity Control ON / OFF, 0 to 10
    Box Size 269 x 170 x 53 mm
    Product features:
    1. Automatically find points, intelligent and easy.
    2. Good for blood circulation.
    3. portable and easy to use.
    4. Adjusting the sensitivity of points detection according to your
    skin type and skin condition.
    5. The user-friendly design, easy to operate.
    6. Audio Tips.
    7. We use lithium batteries that can be recharged.
    8. Treatment probe can be replaced.
    Scope of application:
    Suitable for human wrist, elbow, ankle, knee, neck, waist, face and other
    parts have points.
    Operation of Controls:
    1, One sensitivity (SEN) control knob on the right hand side of the unit to control the sensitivity. Base on different skin to adjust it.
    2, An intensity (INT) and ON/OFF control knob on the left hand side of the unit to control the intensity of the output through the metal probe electrode, which is located at the front tip of the unit.
    3, A push type button on the front top of the unit. Press this button to activate the stimulation mode. A continuous electric pulse of 1 to 16 Hz (adjustable) is emitted through the metal probe.
    4, Frequency adjustment dial, located under the sensitivity (SEN) control knob, to adjust the frequency of stimulation from 1 Hz to 16 Hz.
    5, The digital Display Screen is located on the rear top side of the unit. It features numerical display (0 to 500) to remind user if find the acupoint or not . the larger number is mean more closer the acupoint.
    6, There is a green pilot lamp on top of the unit, next to the push type button(LOC/STIM). This will continue light up when find the acupoint or stimulation mode is in action.
    7, Two ground plates, one located at the front left hand side, and the other one underneath the unit, allow the user to hold the unit and touch the ground plate(s) easily in closing the circuit for point detection or stimulation.
    8, There is one jack on the bottom side of the unit. This is for connecting the electro pad (Ashi Pad).
    1. Not using with electronic devices, artificial heart, lung and other
    medical electronic equipment at the same time.
    2. Pregnant women and women with acute menstrual period, severe heart
    disease, severe abnormal blood pressure, patients with severe
    hypertension, skin abnormalities, fever and other prohibited
    3. Do not give children or people without the ability to use the expression
    of consciousness
    4. cancer and other severe, prohibit the use of emergency patients
    Treatment time:
    One or twice a day,For treatment in one acupoint or one area of skin is
    around 3-5minutes.
    Cleaning and aintenance:
    About cleaning:
    To wipe the surface with a wet soft towel.
    Probe maintenance
    1, When the probe’s surface gets dirt, you can wipe the probe with
    a towel.
    2, In order to avoid cross-infection, when other people finish using,it
    is recommended to use alcohol to wipe the probe.
    Shipping Time :
    7-14 days to USA
    10-29 days to UK / AU  and most of European Countries
    25- 45 days to Russia /Brazil / New Zealand /
    If you need the item in hurry , please contact us for fast shipping fee
    Customer Service:
    We are dedicated to making your buying experience as smooth and satisfactory as possible.
    All communication is done through EBAY MESSAGES.
    Any issue , please kindly contact with us (products / shipping problem and so on )
    we always refund buyer if item was lost on the way , you just need contact firstly !
    We respond within 24 hours of your request for information.
    We are closed on weekends and holidays.
    Return Policy:
    If you are not satisfied with our product, you may return any item within 14 days after the date of receipt. Compared to the return policies of most other crate sellers who don’t refund your original shipping and handling, we will refund you the full payment (price and original shipping and handling). You are responsible for paying the return shipping costs.
    In most cases, the buyer need not pay any customs.  But sometimes in some countries, the customs officer may be strict. We are not accountable for any customs fee; please check out the customs policy at your own place. If you have to pay the customs fees, it is your duty to your own country; the buyer should understand this situation. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.