IZON Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) neu in opened Box
€ 1201.7
- Description
- Size Guide
IZON Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) neu in opened BoxHighly cost effective, compact, ideal for both small scale and high throughput parallel processing of EV samples
Measures fluid volume precisely by weight, weighing individual drops and accurately measuring total fraction weight.
Utilises a rotational carousel for holding collection tubes. During fraction collection the carousel will advance to the next fraction when the selected fraction weight is reached. The carousel is reversible with 2 different fraction tube size options.
Works with qEVsingle, qEVoriginal, qEV2 and qEV10 column types.
The fluid that elutes from the qEV column before the EV fractions (void volume) is precisely measured and pooled into a separate central well of the AFC carousel and sent to waste, avoiding unnecessary collection of void fractions into individual tubes.
Once isolation is initiated via the integrated touch screen, the user can simply walk away.
Feedback is given to user via LED lights on the device, making it very easy to manage multiple AFCs in parallel.
The qEV columns are now RFID tagged with addressable memory, the RFID label is registered with the AFC, critical information for the user such as column size, column type (35 or 70) is displayed, QA and production data, and column usage data are individually recorded.
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Stock code:2275,95 (20190309mR)