
Healtech Quickshifter EASY iQSE-1 + QSH-F1A Ducati Monster 1200 S Bj.2014-2019

€ 168.9

Availability: 10 in stock
  • Rücksendekosten trägt: Verkäufer trägt die Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren
  • Herstellernummer: iQSE-1 QSH-F1A
  • Nach Erhalt des Artikels sollte Ihr Käufer innerhalb der folgenden Frist den Kauf widerrufen oder den Rückgabeprozess einleiten: 1 Monat
  • Condition: Neu
  • Hersteller: Healtech Electronics
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    JTL eBay-template - Adpet
    Healtech Quickshifter EASY iQSE-1 + QSH-F1A für Ducati Monster 1200 S Bj.2014-2019
    319,90 EUR
    inkl. MwSt.
    Weitere Hinweise
    Healtech Quickshifter EASY iQSE-1 + QSH-F1A für Ducati Monster 1200 S Bj.2014-2019
    Healtech article number: iQSE-1 + QSH-F1A
    Die neue Generation von Schaltautomaten für sportliche Motorradfahrer.
    Der Quickshifter ermöglicht das Hochschalten und das Runterschalten ohne Zugkraftunterbrechung bzw. ohne zu Kuppeln.
    Eine wirklich sehr einfache Installation, ein modellspezifischer Kabelbaum sowie eine einfache Bedienung machen diesen Schaltautomaten zur perfekten Ergänzung für jedes Motorrad.
    Einstellbar per Bluetooth mit jedem iOS und Android Handy, oder Windows PC.
    Der Shifter garantiert sehr weiche Schaltvorgänge auch bei niedrigen Drehzahlen und kann auch mit Schaltumkehr gefahren werden(der Sensor funktioniert in beiden Richtungen).
    In der Lieferung enthalten ist alles was man für die Montage benötigt (passender Kabelbaum, Anleitung, etc.)
    With the iQSE the clutchless, full throttle shifts are not only quick but effortless too. Now you can shift like a pro! The quickshifter cuts the ignition at the moment you start moving the shift lever. The gearbox is unloaded, making it possible for you to switch one gear up without closing the throttle. By the time the spark comes back, you’re already in the next gear – no hassle, no glitch, no time loss.
    The iQSE is not only chosen by racers, but more and more street riders too due to the simple installation and affordable price. For street riders the benefit is improved control and comfort, and to put it simply, MORE FUN! It really makes all bikes more fun to ride, including classic and touring bikes too.
    As easy as it can get
    The product was designed with the average rider in mind to make the installation and setup as simple as possible yet it has all the features needed for pro racers too.
    Supreme compatibility
    One sensor that works on all motorcycles, also with reverse (race) shift pattern. Plug ‘n Go harness kits are available for most bikes. Compatible with all our products too.
    Small yet powerful
    The iQSE module comes in a small package so you don’t have to sacrifice your under-seat storage space.
    Wireless connectivity
    The iQSE is the only quickshifter module on the market which utilizes Bluetooth technology and iOS + Android app for setup and verification. Can even be disabled with a few taps to restore factory condition e.g. for servicing the bike.
    You’re in safe hands
    The module is weather and shock proof and comes with our 2-year warranty. We offer free and automatic software updates for the lifetime of this product. Even the module firmware is updated automatically via Bluetooth (with our zero-risk technology) which makes the product future proof.
    1. Foreword
    Congratulations on your purchase of a HealTech QuickShifter easy (iQSE) - next
    generation standalone quickshifter module.
    The iQSE is the only quickshifter module on the market which utilizes Bluetooth
    technology for setup and function tests. Can even be disabled with a few taps to
    restore factory condition e.g. for servicing the bike.
    The unit comes with a special ring sensor which is extremely simple to install
    and works on all motorcycles (also with reverse/race shift pattern). It’s a robust
    design, has no moving parts and works in every situation. Sensitivity
    (threshold) can be adjusted precisely to your riding style.
    We offer the widest range of Plug ’n go harness kits which suit hundreds of
    different motorcycles.
    There are two iQSE models. Make sure you received the correct one:
    - The iQSE-1 is for bikes with TCI (Transistor Controlled Ignition). TCI is the
    current technology and most bikes on the road today require the iQSE-1.
    - The iQSE-2 is for bikes with CDI (Capacitor Discharge Ignition).
    2. Device compatibility
    iOS devices:
    All phones and tablets running iOS 8.1 or later.
    “Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has
    been designed to connect specifically to iPhone or iPad, respectively, and has
    been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
    iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S.
    and other countries.
    Android devices:
    All phones and tablets running Android 2.3 or later.
    - 2 -
    3. How to Setup the unit
    1. Install the module and sensor as per the supplied Install Guide.
    2. Install the QuickShifter easy (iQSE) free app on your device.
    In the App Store or Play Store, search for HealTech to find the app.
    3. Turn the ignition key ON.
    The iQSE LED light should light up in GREEN color then change to solid RED.
    This confirms that the unit has power and ready for use.
    If the LED turns off in a short while or does not light up, you need to have
    the engine running to establish the Bluetooth connection.
    4. Open the iQSE app and connect to the module from the app as
    instructed. The pairing code is always 4325 for the iQSE.
    5. Start the Setup Wizard in the app and follow the instructions on the
    6. Take a test ride and fine-tune the settings. For information about the setup
    parameters, refer to the help texts you see in the iQSE app at the bottom of
    each menu screens.
    4. How to use the QuickShifter
    - You may do clutchless upshifts only during acceleration, i.e. at partial to full
    throttle, well above idle speed.
    - Always use the clutch under these conditions:
    selecting first gear
    finding neutral
    shifting to 2nd gear if it’s not smooth without clutch on your bike
    during deceleration/braking
    when hitting the rev limiter
    when the engine does not pull
    - You may do clutchless downshifts with partial throttle from the higher (4-6)
    gears only if the shifts are smooth and effortless on your bike and the shift
    lever is not stiff. Otherwise, use the clutch for downshifts.
    - Be sure you always do quick, confident and complete shift movements with
    your foot, until the lever stops. Adjust the shift lever position if necessary to
    ensure effortless and complete shift movement with your foot.
    When the power is cut, there's a limited time (typically less than 90ms)
    while the gearbox is being unloaded and clutchless shift is possible. After
    this time the gearbox is loaded again due to engine braking. If you change
    the gear slowly, you may hit false neutral or you can't make the shift at all.
    - If the shifts are not smooth, do not stress your gearbox. Use the clutch until
    you make the necessary changes.
    - 3 -
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
    Please read our iQSE FAQ before sending a question:
    6. Troubleshooting
    In case of problems or concerns, please check out our Troubleshooting Guide:
    7. LED status codes
    Solid RED Unit is powered up.
    Engine is not running or RPM signal is not received.
    Solid GREEN Unit is powered up.
    Engine is running (RPM signal is received).
    Flashing RED Error detected.
    Connect to the application to see the problem.
    Flashing GREEN Bluetooth interface is in standby (typically, while riding).
    Cycle the ignition key if you wish to connect.
    Alternating color Shift signal detected, data is sent to the module or firmware
    update is in progress.
    8. Warranty
    Disclaimer: Do not attempt to install the product if you don’t have basic
    mechanical skills. HealTech Electronics Ltd. and its distributors shall not be
    liable for any loss or damage caused by improper installation or setup. Please
    read the instructions carefully.
    If the gearshifts are not smooth, do not stress your gearbox. Use the clutch
    until you make the necessary changes.
    To ensure trouble-free operation from the start, all units have been extensively
    tested prior to shipment. For this reason, please make sure you followed the
    install steps carefully and check the connections and settings before you report
    a problem.
    The product is covered by our 2-year replacement warranty from the date of
    The warranty does not apply to product that has been subjected to misuse,
    fitted incorrectly or there’s a visible damage e.g. from a crash.
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