
Ganganzeige Healtech GPDT-K04 GIpro DS-series G2 Kawasaki bikes gear indicator

€ 63.3

Availability: 50 in stock
  • Marke: Healtech Electronics
  • Rücksendekosten trägt: Verkäufer trägt die Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren
  • Herstellernummer: GPDT-K04
  • Rücknahme akzeptiert: Verbraucher haben das Recht, den Artikel unter den angegebenen Bedingungen zurückzugeben.
  • Condition: Neu
  • Nach Erhalt des Artikels sollte Ihr Käufer innerhalb der folgenden Frist den Kauf widerrufen oder den Rückgabeprozess einleiten: 1 Monat
  • Hersteller: Healtech Electronics
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    JTL eBay-template - Adpet
    Ganganzeige Healtech GPDT-K04 GIpro DS-series G2 Kawasaki bikes gear indicator choose color
    119,90 EUR
    inkl. MwSt.
    Weitere Hinweise
    Ganganzeige der Firma Healtech Electronics:
    Modell: GPDT-K04 für Kawasaki Motorräder siehe Fahrzeugliste
    Display Farbe freie Wahl: Rot, Blau, Grün, Gelb, Weiß
    Bitte nach dem Kauf Farbwunsch mitteilen. Lieferzeit ca. 1-2 Wochen.
    Rot und blau sofort lieferbar.
    Diese neue Ganganzeige ist einzigartig auf dem Markt. Sie ermöglicht eine schnelle Anzeige des gewählten Ganges auch an Motorrädern die nicht über einen eingebauten Gangsensor verfügen.
    Anders als herkömmliche Ganganzeigen wird der Gang nicht über montierte Reedkontakte oder aber über den Abgriff der Drehzahl und Geschwindigkeitssignal am Kabelbaum
    Die GPDT-Ganganzeigen ermitteln den eingelegten Gang indem sie die Daten direkt aus dem Motorsteuergerät ECU auslesen. Einzigartig auch die schnelle Montage die in wenigen Minuten erledigt ist.
    Nur ein Stecker ist am Motorrad aufzustecken, Kabel verlegen und fertig. Die Programmierung erfolgt lediglich durch einmaliges durch schalten der Gänge auf dem Montageständer oder während der Fahrt.
    Auch für Laien also sehr schnell erledigt.
    Die Qualität ist auf erstklassigen Niveau.
    Montage Anleitung: Deutsch und Englisch
    Passend für folgende Motorrad Modelle:
    KAWASAKI ER-6F (2012-2017), ER-6N (2012-2017), Estrella (ALL years), KLE650 (2010-2018), Ninja 250R [FI model] (2013-2017),
    Ninja 300 (2013-2018), Ninja 400R (2013-2016), Ninja 650 (2012-2016), Ninja 1000 (2011-2016), Versys 650 (2010-2017),
    Versys 1000 (2012-2018), VN900 (2011-2015), Vulcan S 650 (2015-2019), Vulcan 900 (2011-2019), W800 (2011-2018), Z300 (2015-2016),
    Z750 (2010-2012), Z750R (2011-2012), Z800 (2013-2017), Z800e (2013-2017), Z1000 (2010-2016), Z1000SX (2011-2016), ZRX1200
    (2011-2015), Brute Force 750 [ATV] (ALL years), Mule [ATV] (ALL years), Teryx [ATV] (ALL years), Teryx4 [ATV] (ALL years)
    Healtech Electronics Gear indicator
    Model: GPDT-K04
    Display color, please choose color: red, blue, green, yellow, white
    Please tell us after purchase your display color.
    Shipping time 1 or 2 weeks.
    English and German manual
    Plug ‘n Go
    GIpro DS-series G2
    Installation and Operation Manual
    Model GPDT-K01, -K02, -K03, -K04
    Before installing this product, please make sure you got the right part for your bike. See
    the part number on the packaging and use the Product Advisor on our website to check
    These instructions are applicable to a wide range of motorcycles and describe the main
    install steps needed for a successful installation. You may find motorcycle specific
    Supplementary Manuals on our website.
    1. Foreword
    Congratulations on your purchase of a GIpro DS gear position indicator.
    The GIpro products from HealTech Electronics Ltd. are the most advanced gear position
    indicators on the market today.
    This product connects to the self-diagnosis connector. It makes the installation very
    simple. Due to the advanced microprocessor and sophisticated firmware, the GIpro DS
    offers faster and more reliable readings than competing products.
    The unit is also the smallest, most compact gear indicator available, making it easy to
    mount at the instrument cluster.
    2. Specifications
    - Supply voltage: +8V to +24V
    - Maximum supply current at 12V: 80 mA
    - Reverse polarity and transient protection on all leads
    - Unit size: 20 x 30 x 13 mm (0.7 x 1.2 x 0.5 inches)
    - Operating temp: -40C to +80C (-40F to +176F)
    - Waterproof (IP68)
    3. Features
    Fast and accurate
    Instant and accurate indication of the selected gear (right after the clutch is released) for
    added control and safety. The sampling period can be adjusted to make the response
    quicker or slower, depending on shift speed and signal conditions.
    Touch control
    All settings can be done via the touch sensor so there’s no opening on the housing, it is
    completely sealed and encapsulated in epoxy.
    The touch sensitive area is on the TOP of the unit. However, after programming, the unit
    can be mounted even with the top side stuck to the dashboard (via the sticky pads
    supplied) and will function properly. It can also be used with the optional GIpro Mount.
    Quick installation
    Plug ‘n Go wiring harness, easy to mount display.
    Complete installation can be done within 30 minutes on most Kawasaki models.
    Bright and effective display
    Extra bright LED display, housed in a compact box. Available in 5 colors.
    Auto brightness control
    The brightness of the display is adjusted automatically according to the ambient light
    intensity. The sensitivity of the sensor can be fine-tuned in the menu.
    Auto Learning function
    The unit learns the gear positions automatically, just start the learning function via the
    Compatible with all HealTech and most aftermarket products, including quick shifters.
    Robust design
    - Full SMT-design, encapsulated in epoxy
    - Flash memory to store user settings even with the battery disconnected
    - Only inspected, high quality components are built in
    - Each unit is extensively tested prior to shipping, guaranteed to work
    - 100% waterproof (IP68)
    4. Installation
    - Find the 4-pole diagnostic connector (also called as KDS) under the seat, near the
    ECU module (K01: black, K02: grey, K03: black, K04: semi-transparent plug).
    Normally it has a removable semi-transparent cap or “dummy” plug (without wires)
    attached to it. The connector may be partially covered by black tape.
    Note: You may find TWO of this connector on your bike. In this case, try both
    connectors, but only one of them will supply data to the GIpro. It will not harm your
    bike if you connect the GIpro to the wrong plug first.
    - Detach the cover (cap) from the plug and connect the GIpro plug.
    - Route the cable to the mounting location along the frame.
    - Peel the green plastic off from the back of the unit, and mount the display.
    - Secure the cable with the cable ties supplied, ensuring that the steering movement is
    not impaired by the cable.
    5. Operation
    This unit comes pre-programmed for Kawasaki bikes. It is fully functional after
    installation. When ignition is turned on, the display counts forward (1 to 6) and it will
    show the gear selected when engine is running and clutch is released.
    However, if you have a SpeedoHealer speedometer calibrator installed, or the clutch
    switch is not working, you may find that some gears are not indicated correctly.
    For this reason, the GPDT-K0x model has two operating modes:
    - Default mode (“d” in the menu, no need to teach the GIpro)
    - Learning mode (“L” in the menu, learning procedure starts)
    We recommend to try both operating modes and see which work best on your bike.
    If you ever notice that the unit no longer shows the gear positions correctly, Reset the
    unit and Setup in Learning mode again. Normally this is necessary when the clutch
    switch is bypassed or failing, or after installing a SpeedoHealer speedometer calibrator.
    Note: Your motorcycle is not equipped with Gear Position Sensor, therefore determining
    and displaying the gear in use is only possible when the engine is running and the clutch
    is fully released.
    6. Setup (menu)
    There are several parameters which can be changed or fine-tuned under the menu.
    Sign Function Description See chapter
    Code Reading the firmware version 6.1
    Learning Learning the gear positions 6.2
    Filtering Adjusting the filtering (sampling period) 6.3
    Brightness Adjusting the sensitivity of the light sensor 6.4
    Upside down Flipping the display upside down 6.5
    Default Resetting all values to factory defaults 6.6
    To access the menu, follow these steps, in this order:
    - The TOP side of the housing is the touch sensitive area so it must be kept free, away
    from all objects. If the unit is in a mount, remove it first.
    - Have the gearbox in Neutral.
    - Have the ignition OFF (the display must be blank).
    - Turn the ignition ON and the engine stop switch to RUN position. Wait until the display
    completes the counting.
    - With your index finger (without gloves) tap the top side of the unit and hold your
    finger until the first menu sign shows up. Remove your finger now.
    Note: If the engine is started then accessing the menu will be disabled even if you come
    to a stop. Cycle the ignition key to start over.
    To review or change a parameter, use the following controls:
    - Short tap (tap and release the touch sensor): next menu item / increasing the value
    - Long tap (hold your finger on the touch sensor until the display changes): select / ok
    6.1. Reading the firmware version
    In the menu, select the “C” sign and do a long tap.
    After this command, the firmware version number is shown (5 digits) repeatedly. If you
    contact us for support please let us know this number.
    To exit, do a long tap again or turn the ignition key off.
    6.2. Learning the gear positions
    If the unit does not indicate the gears correctly, start the Learning mode. Perform the
    steps either in the garage with the engine running (safely secure the bike on a rear
    stand) or while riding normally.
    In the menu, select the “L” sign and do a long tap.
    1. When you see the “1” sign flashing, select 1st gear.
    The “1” sign starts flashing faster, indicating that the learning is in progress.
    2. When you see the “n” (next) sign, select the next gear. The gear number starts
    flashing faster when the unit is learning the new gear position.
    Repeat this step until all gears have been taught.
    Note: If you’d like to cancel or start over the process, turn the ignition key off.
    3. Keep riding in top gear until the “U” (update) sign starts flashing (if your bike has
    5 gears only, it takes longer, about 15s). The unit is now programmed and should
    indicate all gears correctly.
    Note: On power-up, the unit will count up from 1 to the number of gears programmed. If
    the learning procedure can not be completed, check the connections.
    6.3. Adjusting the filtering
    In the menu, select the “F” sign and do a long tap.
    The filtering (sampling period) can be adjusted to make the response quicker or slower
    during a gear change. It can be adjusted in 10 steps (from 0 to 9).
    The factory default value is 4. Before changing this parameter, be sure to run the
    Learning procedure first.
    - If the shift speed is quick (e.g. a quick shifter is used) and the indicated gears are
    always correct then DECREASE the value for faster response.
    - If you notice that sometimes wrong gear is indicated momentarily during a
    gearshift or under hard acceleration, INCREASE the value for slower response.
    Note: if wrong gear is displayed even with the filtering set to 9, there’s a problem with
    the speed or RPM signals or the clutch is slipping.
    6.4. Adjusting the sensitivity of the light sensor
    In the menu, select the “b” sign and do a long tap.
    The ambient light sensor sensitivity can be adjusted in 10 steps (from 0 to 9).
    The factory default value is 4. DECREASE the value if you’d prefer less brightness.
    INCREASE the value if more brightness is desired.
    Note: If you set the value to 9, the brightness will be always at maximum, regardless of
    the ambient light intensity.
    6.5. Flipping the display upside down (or vice versa)
    In the menu, select the “u” sign and do a long tap.
    The display is flipped.
    6.6. Resetting all values to factory defaults
    In the menu, select the “d” sign and do a long tap.
    This command will restore the factory defaults:
    - Operating mode: Default mode (no need to teach the GIpro)
    - Filtering: 4
    - Brightness: 4
    - Upside down: normal view
    7. Cleaning the display
    Clean the display with wet sponge. Use pure water only, without any detergents.
    Do not clean with dry cloth as it may scratch the front face. Do not spray high pressure
    water directly on the display.
    8. Warranty
    The unit is completely sealed and epoxy encapsulated, which gives extreme protection
    for the internal parts from shocks, vibrations and water.
    To ensure trouble-free operation from the start, all units have been extensively tested
    prior to shipment.
    Our dealers are offering a 30-day money-back guarantee on HealTech products, thus you
    will get your money back if the product does not fulfill your expectations. (All parts must
    be returned in original condition for full refund.)
    Furthermore the product is covered by our 2-year replacement warranty from the date of
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