
DC32V/3A DP20V2A 30V5A 50V5A DPS3003 Step-down Programmable Power Supply Module

€ 8.08

Availability: 121 in stock
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  • Marke: Markenlos
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    DC32V/3A DP20V2A 30V5A 50V5A DPS3003 Step-down Programmable Power Supply Module
    1.Product Information
    The constant voltage and constant current programmable control power supply module is cabinet and delicate, and it put the collection of analog integration and digital control functions in one. Its adjustable output voltage range is 0-20.0V, step by 0.1V. Its adjustable output current range is 0-2.00A, step by 0.01A. Boot voltages can be stored freely and the model has two groups of quick storage voltage. Compared with the traditional analog power supply, it is more convenient to quickly extract the voltage or current required. LCD display on the model has the function digital voltmeter and ammeter. You can view the preset voltage, input voltage, output voltage, the preset current, output current, output power and LCD brightness.
    2.Technical parameters
    Weight: 59g/piece
    Dimension: 79mm*42mm*26mm (L*W*H)
    Open size: 71mm*39mm
    Input positive: IN+
    Input negative: IN-
    Output current: 0-2.00A
    Output power: Maximum 40W
    Output positive: OUT+
    Output negative: OUT-
    Ripple frequency: About 330 KHz
    Input voltage range: 4.5-23V(23V is the limiting highest voltage. When you use it, make sure input voltage below 23V)
    Output voltage range: 0V-20.0V(In step down voltage mode, input voltage must be higher than 3V),the control button can fast draw up 2 sets data.
    Ripple peak to peak value: 50mv (typical value)
    3. Direction for use
    3.1:Display introduction:
    U-IN:input voltage
    U-SET:preset voltage
    U-OUT:output voltage
    I-SET: Preset current
    I-OUT:output current
    POWER:output power
    M-PRE:shortcut store
    LED:background brightness
    M1:shortcut store1
    M2:shortcut store 2
    S-MD:setting the mode
    R-MD:normal operation
    ON/0FF: open/shut down the module output
    3.2key function instruction:
    SET:Function setting, function confirmation;
    m1 :Shortcut extract M1 stored data/Upturning to choose/shortcut store.
    m2:Shortcut extract M2 stored data/Page down to choose/shortcut store
    ON/OFF:open or close voltage output.
    3.3 Operating instructions:
    (1)Adjusting preset voltage:Pressing SET button, page down to U-SET, press the codding potentiometer, then enter toadjustnumeric value. Press codding potentiometer in turn to choose the numeric value you want to adjust. Turn codding potentiometer to adjust the numeric value. If you want toexit adjusting voltage, press shortly SET. In the process of adjusting preset voltage, if you open output voltage mode by pressing the ON/OFF, the output voltage will be refreshing by increasing or decreasing the numeric value; ifyou close output voltage mode by pressing the ON/OFF, the output voltage will not be refreshing by increasing or decreasing the numeric value.
    (2)Adjusting preset current:Pressing SET button, page down to I-SET, press the codding potentiometer, then enter toadjustnumeric value. Press codding potentiometer in turn to choose the numeric value you want to adjust. Turn codding potentiometer to adjust the numeric value. If you want toexit adjusting current, press shortly SET.
    (3)Power-down storage:If you want to use the present value includingthe preset voltage, the preset current, LCD brightnessat the next time of using the module, you should store those value. In the normal operating(R-MD), Keep pressing SET key until "MEMO" in red appears on LCD display, and then loose the key, indicating the preset voltage has been stored. You can use those value next time.
    (4)Extract Shortcut storage value:
    When the system is the mode of setting mode( S-MD), Keep pressingm1orm2key, Shortcut storage valuecan be extracted.
    (5)Store shortcut storage value:
    Pressing SET button, page down to M-PRE, press the codding potentiometer, then enter the storage place of M1 or M2. In the meaning time, press shortlym1, the value would be stored in the place of M1;press shortlym2, the value would be stored in the place of M2.If you want to exit this mode, press shortly SET
    (6)Adjusting background brightness:
    Pressing SET button, page down to the place ofbackground brightness, press the codding potentiometer, then enter to adjust numeric value. Press codding potentiometer in turn to choose the numeric value you want to adjust. Turn codding potentiometer to adjust the numeric value.If you want to exit this mode, press shortly SET.
    4. Note
    4.1 When you do not use the module or adjust the preset voltage or current, the output will be advised to be closed in case of wrong operation of high voltage to burn the load.
    4.2 Make sure that the setting voltage is lower than output voltage 3v at least, or else there will be alarm.
    4.3 The input voltage must be under 23v and 23v is the highest Voltage. Please leave adequate leeway, otherwise burn it.
    4.4 When the input voltage drops and cannot satisfy that the input voltage is higher the preset voltage about 3v, the module will automatically shut down output to prevent the module damage.
    4.5 If the module is used under strong sunshine, the LCD will be damaged. So we do not advise you to use the module under strong sunshine.
    4.6 When the module is used at full capacity, please pay attention to keep ventilation and heat dissipation of the module.
    4.7 Please don't use the module to charge the battery. If the input end is not supplied the power, reverse voltage of the battery will damage the module. {if you must use the module ,please add a diode in the output }
    Package Included:
    1PC*DP20V2A Programmable Power Module
    FDP30V5A Buck Adjustable DC Power Supply Module With Integrated Voltmeter Ammeter Color Display
    Technical parameters
    Input voltage range:  6.00-40.00V
    Output voltage range:  0V-32.00V
    Output current: 0-5.000A
    Output power range: 00.00-160.0W
    Product Weight: 78g
    Product Dimension: 79*43*48(mm) (L*W*H)
    Open size:  71mm*39mm
    Output voltage resolution: 0.01V
    Output current resolution: 0.001A
    Output Voltage accuracy: ± (0.5% + 1 digits)
    Output Current accuracy: ± (0.5% + 2 digit)
    The model of product showing below is the DP50V2A, just as a reference. The item you will receive is DP30V5A.
    Package Included:
    1PC*DP30V5A Programmable Power Supply
    This constant voltage and constant current programmable control power supply module makes analog integration and digital control functions combined in one. With many useful functions, the module is really practical.
    This constant voltage and constant current programmable control power supply module makes analog integration and digital control functions combined in one.
    The output voltage is adjustable from 0V-50.00V, the output current is adjustable from 0-5.000A.
    The module can storage 10 groups of preset value and it can quickly extract 2 groups of preset value.
    With LCD display and the function of voltage and current meter, you can view the preset voltage, input voltage, output voltage, preset current, output current, output power, etc.
    In the output state display area, it is convenient for you to know whether the output works, constant voltage/current output state, current data group extracted, etc.
    With advanced functions, high accuracy, wide application, the item is really practical.
    The maximum input voltage is 55V. It is better to make the value less than the limit value, otherwise the item maybe be damaged.
    DP50V5A output for battery charging or capacitive load, please add a diode on output positive in case that the current flow backward the module.
    Model Type: DP50V5A
    Input Voltage: DC6-55V
    Output Voltage: 0-50.00V
    Output Current: 0-5.000A
    Output Power: 0-250W
    IN+: Input Positive
    IN-: Input Negative
    OUT+: Output Positive
    OUT-: Output Negative
    Item Size: 8 * 4.2 * 4.5cm / 3.1 * 1.7 * 1.8in
    Item Weight: 84g / 3oz
    Package Size: 5 * 5 * 8cm / 2 * 2 * 3.1in
    Package Included:
    1PC*DP50V5A Programmable Power Supply
    DC32V3A DPS3003
    This constant voltage and constant current programmable control power supply module makes analog integration and digital control functions combined in one. This module has power-down stored function that it can store 10 groups of preset values and extract 2 groups of stored values. With LCD display, user can view the preset voltage/current, output voltage/current, output power, input voltage, etc. This product, with small size, advanced functions, good visual effect, high operability, and high precision, can not only be used independently, but also inset into the device for wide application range.
    Fast operation for voltage and current settings.
    Make analog integration and digital control functions combined in one.
    Adjustable output voltage range from 0V-32V/50.00V(optional), adjustable output current range from 0-3.000A/5.000A(optional).
    Set default boot open or close the output.
    The module can storage 10 groups of preset values and it can quickly extract 2 groups of preset values.
    LCD display and voltage/current meter function, you can view the preset voltage/current, input voltage, output voltage/current, output power, etc.
    In the output state display area, it is convenient for you to know whether the output works, constant voltage/current output state, current data group extracted, etc.
    With advanced functions, high accuracy, wide application, the item is really practical for use.
    It is better to make the input voltage lower than the Max. value, otherwise the item maybe be damaged.
    Model Type:
    Input Voltage: DC6-40V
    Output Voltage: 0-32.00V
    Output Current: 0-3.000A
    Output Power: 0-96W
    Voltage Resolution: 0.01V
    Current Resolution: 0.001A
    IN+: Input Positive
    IN-: Input Negative
    OUT+: Output Positive
    OUT-: Output Negative
    Item Size: 8 * 4.2 * 4.5cm / 3.1 * 1.7 * 1.8in
    Item Weight: 65-88g / 2.32-3.1oz
    Package Size: 8 * 5 * 5cm / 3.1 * 2 * 2in
    Package Weight: 90-113g / 3.2-4oz
    Package Included:
    1PC*DC 32V3A Programmable Power Supply
    If you can't receive the product within 2 months (60 days), please contact with us,we promise to payback 100% of your money.
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