Barbie Pferd Lockenspaß Classy, mit Zubehör, Sattel, Trense, Hufeisen
€ 12.14
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Hallo,biete hier das Pferd Lockenspaß Classy an. Das Pferd wurde früher mal bespielt und weist leichte Gebrauchsspuren auf. Stand bei mir aber nur im Regal. Es bringt einiges an Zubehör mit. Das Zubehör ist von mehreren Pferde und wurde zusammen gelegt. Ob der Stab noch funktioniert, kann ich nicht sagen. Es bringt auch seine 4 Hufeisen sowie Sattel und Trense mit.
Bitte die Bilder anschauen, wenn dann noch Fragen sind, gern melden.
Gruß Andrea
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I am offering the horse curling fun Classy. The horsewas previously used and shows slight signs of use. But it was only on my shelf.It brings a lot of accessories. The accessories are from several horses andhave been put together. I can't say whether the stick is still working. It alsobrings its 4 horseshoes as well as saddle and bridle.
Please look at the pictures, if you have anyquestions, feel free to contact us.
Greetings Andrea
Private sale, therefore:
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This auction is a private sale and does not include any guarantee,warrantyor return. By submitting a bid, you expressly agree to completely waivetheliability for material defects (also called guarantee or warranty) to whichyouare entitled. With his bid and / or purchase, the bidder also accepts thattheoffer is an auction within the meaning of Section 3 (5) of the DistanceSellingAct. For the highest bidder, this also means that according to thisDistanceSelling Act, there is no revocation. Subsequent renegotiation is alsostrictlyexcluded. The article is subject to differential taxation according to§25aUSTG, i.e. the VAT cannot be reported.
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Shipping abroad only possible for EU countries. NO SHIPPING TO UK. Thestated shipping costs apply for states in the internal market of the EU.